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"Great achievements start with a great dream.
Every big dream has its own power to unite the right people, at the right time, in the right place, so that everything happens in the right way, at the right time, in the right place.
Events do not seem to be ruled by chance. We just have to dream a reality and little by little we are shown how to make a big dream come true".
It was in the Austrian capital - Vienna - that it all began…
Once a professor at the University of Vienna, the dance pedagogue and choreographer Vinicius developed the concept of a never-before-seen course held at the University of Vienna Sports Institute (USI) called: Dance Performance-Teatro Momentos Wien project.
The first aspect of this conception was to bring to its participants the knowledge of the performance, the development of a dance idea until choreographing it and presenting this result in a professional theater in the city of Vienna. Parallel to this, there was a second aspect of this conception, which was the partnership with academies and art institutes (costumes, photography, video, technique) offering student artists a practical, artistic and professional experience through multidisciplinary essays. The third aspect was the construction of a horizontal and collective work platform, seeking to develop the maximum autonomy of each participant in their interaction within the project, as well as reciprocity within this creative and multidisciplinary synergy. The fourth aspect was the use of this immersion course time for the construction of a dance-theatre show in a record time of just 3 weeks, with the third weekend already being the premiere. And finally, the concept of creating and disseminating art with local artists for a local audience, further fostering the awareness and potential of local art.
On May 14, 2011, the first production Momentos was presented, entitled: Wien, die Stadt des Kommens, Gehens und ewigen Bleibens (Vienna, the city of arrival, departure and eternal permanence). Thus was born Momentos Wien and the result of this first production was the leap from a dance-theatre performance project to the construction of an artistic cultural heritage of more than a decade in three countries and in 7 cities, and since 2021 as an Artistic Cloud Centre - Momentos World.
Momentos Vienna has already presented 12 works in the last 11 years of existence:
2011 – Wien, die Stadt des Kommens, Gehens und ewigen Bleibens
2012 – Flowers for all occasions
2013 – Destiny: surprises and chances
2013 – Das ewige Kind in mir
2013 – Verkabelte Gefühl
2014 – Garten der Geständnis
2015 – Bahnhöfe des Lebens
2016 – Unbeugsam
2017 – Obsession
2017 – Einfach verrückt
2018 – Spielraum
2020 – Begegnung
On our Facebook page you will find information about our activities so far.

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