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Since the creation and presentation of the first show – “Wien, die Stadt des Kommens, Gehens und ewigen Bleibens” (Vienna, the city of arriving, departing and eternal permanence) – presented by Momentos Vienna in 2011, photography has become the strongest and constant artistic form of documentation and presentation of what we are and what we do in our social networks.
In addition to these two aspects, photography started to occupy and develop its own projects, such as posters, book covers, exhibitions of shows Momentos already performed, presented in the cities of Vienna, Rio, Curitiba, Brasília.
In celebration of 10 years of existence, Momentos has been holding since 2021 the largest exhibition in its history: 5 SENTIDOS SENSES SINNE. This exhibition carries the same name as the 10th anniversary book and displays a photographic extract of 21 images of this book, taking to the public several magical moments of the 33 shows already created and choreographed by Vinicius in this decade of accomplishments.
It was conceived as a traveling exhibition and was first presented and sponsored by Linha Cultura of the São Paulo Metro. In Germany, it will be sponsored by the Secretary of Culture of the city of Münster, showing in 2022 an even greater number of photos than in Brazil: a total of 45 images.
Find out more about our photographic projects by visiting our social media.
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