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In partnership with SESC of São José dos Pinhais (SJP) and with the valuable support of the Austrian Consulate in Curitiba (Mr. Consul Tercio Gritsch and Ms. Vice-Consul Anelise Gropp) we celebrated on August 24, 2017 the premiere of the first edition of Momentos Curitiba/SJP: A Pureza dos Sonhos (The Purity of Dreams). Through the support of the Embassy of Austria in partnership with the Secretary of the State of Paraná, the José Maria Theater was given to us for the presentation of this first edition in Curitiba. In this way, Momentos Curitiba/SJP, the second City-Momentos in Brazil, also came to the world.

With the impact of this project in all social, cultural, artistic, personal and professional spheres, the foundation was solidified for the development of new partnerships and editions for the coming years in Curitiba. A year later we presented the second edition called “Fragilidade Humana - Human Fragility - Menschliche Fragilität", a theme that was also presented in three other Cities-Momentos: Rio, Innsbruck (Austria) and Münster (Germany). In 2019 we premiered the third edition: “O Fio da Meada”.

Momentos Curitiba:
2017 – A Pureza dos Sonhos
2018 – Fragilidade Humana 
2019 – O Fio da Meada

All and more information about Momentos Curitiba can be found on the Facebook page.
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